Data Status

Site: Laupahoehoe

Country: USA

Site PI: Becky Ostertag, Susan Cordell, Christian Giardina, Faith Inman, Lawren Sack

Data Type:

Availabilty: Approve

About Data: The University of Hawaii in partnership with the USFS Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry and the University of California – Los Angeles, seek to promote the scientific investigation of tropical forests in Hawaii. These institutions oversee and support the continued monitoring of the 4-ha Forest Dynamics Plot in the Laupahoehoe Natural Area Reserve located in on the slopes of Mauna Kea above Laupahoehoe, Hawaii. Funding for the establishment of this research infrastructure has been through the National Science Foundation EPSCoR program (Grant Numbers EPS- 0554657 and EPS-0903833). For more information about these plots visit

Our goal is to make the Laupahoehoe 4-hectare Forest Dynamics Plot data available to researchers and students that can utilize these data to address a wide range of scientific and management questions. However, maintaining the Laupahoehoe plot requires enormous field effort and an ongoing financial commitment by several parties. We therefore require that the Principal Investigators of the Laupahoehoe plot be considered collaborators on any project making use of the data and be included as co-authors on any articles or presentations, unless they explicitly state otherwise.