Site: Lilly Dickey Woods
Country: United States
Site PI: Dan Johnson, Keith Clay, Richard Phillips
Data Type:
Availabilty: Approve
About Data: The Indiana University Forest Dynamics Plot (IUFDP) is a 25 ha area located in southern Indiana surrounded by the 250 ha Lilly Dickey Woods Research and Teaching Preserve. The site is an old growth oak-hickory forest embedded in a large area of contiguous secondary oak-hickory forests. The plot was fully established in 2012 and supports 35 species of woody plant >= 1cm DBH and over 28,000 live trees.
Our goal is to make the IUFDP available to the research community to use the data to answer important scientific questions. The enormous effort involved in establishing and maintaining a long-term plot such as the IUFDP necessitates that the Principal Investigators of the IUFDP be considered as collaborators on any project making use of the data and be offered the opportunity to be included as co-authors on manuscripts or presentations utilizing the data. For these reasons, site PIs should be contacted at a relatively early stage in the project, well before the manuscript is ready for submission.