Site: Yosemite
Country: USA
Site PI: James Lutz , Andrew Larson
Data Type:
Availabilty: Approve
About Data: The Yosemite Forest Dynamics Plot is a research and educational project affiliated with Utah State University, the University of Montana, Washington State University, and the University of Washington. The YFDP is located near Crane Flat in Yosemite National Park in old-growth, sugar pine—white fir (Pinus lambertiana – Abies concolor) forest (~500 years old). The plot size is 25.6 ha (320 m x 800 m). The YFDP is the largest permanent monitoring plot in the National Park System, and together with the companion plot in Wind River, is the largest permanent plot in western North America. All trees >= 1 cm at breast height (1.37 m) are mapped (35,027 trees). Shrub species are presently mapped by a combination of polygons and 2m x 2m demography patches. Canopy trees are generally 100 cm to 200 cm dbh. A variety of remotely sensed and ground data are associated with the YFDP. Summary information can be found at