Data Request: In order to access the Amacayacu 25-hectare Forest Dynamics Plot data a "Data Request Form" must be completed. This form requires that the applicant agree to comply with "Terms and Conditions" for the use of Amacayacu Forest Dynamics Plot Data as described here.
Non-transferability: Prospective investigators are not permitted to share the Amacayacu data with other parties not included on the Data Request Form.
Limitations to Use: Prospective investigators are not permitted to use the Amacayacu data for projects or analyses other than those explicitly described in the Data Request Form. A new Data Request Form must be submitted for any new use of the data. Prospective investigators are also not permitted to sell the data, or use them in any way for commercial gain.
Citation: Any publication that uses Amacayacu data should state the specific version number of the data set used for analysis. This version number will be provided after the data request has been approved.
Copies of articles: Copies of manuscripts should be sent to the PIs (Dairon Cardenas and Alvaro Duque prior to submission for publication. Once published, the PDF and any supplementary documents should be sent as well. Upon publication, a PDF copy of (or a link to) the article should also be sent to
Acknowledgements: All publications that include the Amacayacu 25-ha plot data must acknowledge the institutions and funding that enabled the establishment of the plot with the following acknowledgement: