Data request: Raising funds to continue censuses of the BCI 50 ha plot is easier if usefulness can be demonstrated. For this reason, we ask that users submit the data request form, which creates a record in our user database. The prospective investigator should resubmit the form for each substantially different project.
Non-transferability: So that we can vouch for the accuracy of the data,
and so we get a record of every use, we ask that the prospective investigator not
share the BCI data with other parties not included on the Request for Data Access Proposal.
Citation: Publications using BCI data should include the following citations:
Hubbell, S.P., Condit, R., and Foster, R.B. 2005. Barro Colorado Forest Census Plot
Data. URL
Condit, R. 1998. Tropical Forest Census Plots. Springer-Verlag and R. G. Landes
Company, Berlin, Germany, and Georgetown, Texas.
Hubbell, S.P., R.B. Foster, S.T. O'Brien, K.E. Harms, R. Condit, B. Wechsler,
S.J. Wright, and S. Loo de Lao. 1999. Light gap disturbances, recruitment limitation,
and tree diversity in a neotropical forest. Science 283: 554-557.
Copies of articles: Copies of articles should be sent to the
BCI PIs: Drs. Stephen Hubbell ( and Richard Condit ( prior to submission.
Unless stated otherwise, the PIs will not be involved as collaborators, but reserve the right to request authorship.
Once published, any manuscript making use of the BCI data should be sent to the PIs.
Acknowledgments: Publications should also
include the following acknowledgement:
"The BCI forest dynamics research project was founded by S.P. Hubbell and R.B. Foster and is now managed by R. Condit, S. Lao, and R. Perez
under the Center for Tropical Forest Science and the Smithsonian Tropical Research in Panama. Numerous organizations have provided funding,
principally the U.S. National Science Foundation, and hundreds of field workers have contributed."