Request Form - USCS Tree Data


The data from the 6-ha Forest Ecology Research Plot at the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC-FERP) are freely available to anyone who completes this form. We only ask that you fill out this form each time you use the data, so we get a record, that you not redistribute the data, so that we get a record of every use, that you send the PI copies of manuscripts upon submission and then publication, and that you cite us properly in order to acknowledge the scientific effort that lies behind the plot dataset. An acknowledgement section listing grants and bibliographic citations is given at the Terms and Conditions page.

I have read and agree to comply with the Terms and Conditions of Data Use.*

Name of Principal Investigator*
Email Address*
Names of Collaborating Investigators
Request for Data Access
Research Project Description* (Max Length: 1500 chars)
Planned Analyses to be Performed on Data* (Max Length: 1500 chars)
Description of data required* (Full dataset, or specify census, plot, species, diameter range, etc. - Max Length: 1500 chars)